
10 tips for entering a Photo Contest

10 tips for entering a Photo Contest An excellent way to promote your art and to increase your visibility online is to win or even place in a highly regarded photo contest. Many professional photographers today have competitions to thank for getting them started on the road to a successful career. Read the full How to…

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How to
10 tips for entering a Photo Contest

How to write an Artist Statement

How to write an Artist Statement If you’re an artist and have been asked by an art gallery or a museum to submit your artist statement and you just don’t know where, what or even how to start, do not panic. this episode will explain detailly what is meant by an artist statement, why it is necessary…

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How to
How to
How to write an Artist Statement

How to write an impressive Artist CV

How to write an impressive Artist CV Why an impressive Artist CV is so crucial.?In the business or simply corporate world today, having a flawless CV can considerably influence the first impression of the employer/reader either positively or negatively. It’s actually obvious, but as an artist, you may tell yourself it just doesn’t matter because…

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How to
How to
How to write an impressive Artist CV

How to assess an Artist online presence

How to assess an Artist online presence As an artist, the question of your online presence is of great importance these days, as people spend most of their time on the internet. The web is the first place they will go to in search of any information or service. In this episode you’ll learn some of…

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How to
How to
How to assess an Artist online presence

Making the Planet Blue again: Boyan Slat’s creative solution to clean up our oceans

CreativInn aims at promoting artists from around the world as well as creative projects that could make the world better. Today, I want to talk about Boyan Slat, who, since he was a teen, has wanted to make the planet blue again. “If you want to do something, do it as soon as possible” – Boyan…

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Making the Planet Blue again: Boyan Slat’s creative solution to clean up our oceans